How to Stop Your Blogger Blog from Redirecting to Country-Specific Domains URLs

As the Google have started redirecting the blogger blogs to country specific domain, many of blogger users are facing problems due to negative affect on Google juice (Bookmarked links, external links of your blogs) and social stats (like tweet countss, facebook shares and Google +1’s).

Google does country-specific redirection for selective censorship – that means they can easily censor or block a blog post, or other entire blog site, in one country but still serve that page in other geographic regions. Blog redirection only occurs if you are on a blogspot domain and not if your Blogger blog is on a custom domain.

Preventing SEO Impact in Search Engines with Canonical URL's
Well if you are wondering what these canonical urls are then it's nothing but a link specification in XML that states search engines and crawlers to consider only the top level domain that .com as the main site or source despite all the country specific redirections taking place on the site. To enable this feature on your site go to your Blogger Template → click Edit HTML → Now look for the <head> tag or use CTRL+F to find it and add the below code just below the <head> tag.

<link expr:href="data:blog.canonicalUrl" rel="canonical"/>

Go to your blog inside the Blogger Dashboard and choose Template. Then click the “Edit HTML” button followed by “Proceed.” Next, copy-paste the following code into the template after the tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
      var blog = document.location.hostname.split(".");
      if (blog[blog.length - 1] != "com") {
        var ncr = "http://" + blog[0] + "";
        window.location.replace(ncr + document.location.pathname);    

Click the Save Template button and now your Blogger Blog will always serve with the URL

After implementing the script go to your blogspot site and enjoy as now it serves you only the top level domain that is your .com blogspot site with all your social media activity kept intact at one place for better SEO signals. Avoid use of the script in case you have already moved your blogspot site to your own custom domain as now everything redirects to your custom domain.
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